Selected Articles, Essays and Interviews

“Bonnie Sherk’s Portable Park IV: past/present/future,” The Pacific Standard Time Performance and Public Art Festival, upcoming publication Getty Research Institute, 2014, edited by Catherine Taft and Irene Tsatsos. Download here.

“Martha Rosler: Photomontages and Garage Sales,” Feminist Studies Journal, Winter 2014. Download here.

“A Californian State of Mind: A conversation between Lynn Hershman, Martha Rosler, Allen Ruppersberg, Karen Moss, Constance Lewallen, Stephen Kaltenbach, and Jens Hoffmann,” Mousse, Issue 32, February 2012 published in the magazine and on website,

Disorderly Conduct: Recent Art in Tumultuous Times, exhibition brochure, Orange County Museum of Art

Art Since the 1960s: California Experiments, exhibition brochure, Orange County Museum of Art, 2007

Imaging and Imagining California, exhibition brochure, Orange County Museum of Art, 2007

California Modern, exhibition brochure, Orange County Museum of Art, 2005

James Siena: drawings and painting, checklist/brochure, San Francisco Art Institute, 2003. Download here.

Nicolas Bourriaud and Karen Moss “Face Off: Nicolas Bourriaud and Karen Moss,” Stretcher, 2002.

Artists Projects: Remembrance of Things Past, an Eye Towards the Future, Santa Monica Museum of Art, 2001.

Los Carpinteros, checklist/brochure, San Francisco Art Institute, 2000. Download here.

Palliative Pleasures: The Intersection of Food and Performance Art,” in Setting the American Table, Napa, California: The Museum of Food, Wine and Culture, 2000. Download here.

Performance in the 1970s: Experiencing the Everyday, exhibition brochure, Walker Art Center, 1998. Download here.

Art of the 1960s: Media is the Message, Andersen Window Gallery, exhibition brochure, Walker Art Center, 1997. Download here.

Edward Hopper’s Office at Night, Andersen Window Gallery, exhibition brochure, Walker Art Center, 1996.

Visitor’s Voices: Recomposing the Collection, Walker Art Center, 1996.

Collaborations essay, LAX: The Los Angeles Exhibition, 1994, Los Angeles: LAX Biennial, 1994.

“Mapping Fluxus in California,” in Fluxus Vivus, exhibition catalogue, Köln and Chicago: Arts Club of Chicago, 1993. Download here.

“Kim Abeles,” Laguna Museum of Art 75th Anniversary Catalogue, Laguna Beach, Calfornia, 1993.

Saigon in California, installation by Richard Turner, USC Atelier, Santa Monica Place, 1989

John Woodall: Tools of Performance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 1989